Intro to Zoe V

We have a new friend at Darling House, I’m intuiting, in Zoe Voss. Sov befriended her first and I followed. While we’re all yet to film a couple projects including a delicious erotic short film (on location in Cabo) we’re sorta getting a sense of each other and how to make art, porn and adventures.

She came over yesterday to have sushi with me and Sov then I helped her get ready for an event she has. For some reason I often help style or advise many of my female friends on good looks and whatnot. Not that she needs it.

Zoe is, like many of the people in our gang, incredibly multifaceted. While a successful fashion model and fearless adult performer. She’s also a singer, an wonderful actress and general all around smart and sensitive soul. She has a lyrical grace that I imagine would be seductive in any era. While a tall, striking, confident social creature (and a sizzling on screen performer) her eyes belie a potential vulnerability that I frankly find beautiful. A quality that is rare and wonderful when expressed in a photo or in person.

This isn’t a photoshoot, that’s coming and will be epic. Just a couple snapshots of a lovely girl in the afternoon.

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Me, Grandpa, Man Ray and the Black Dahlia: True Story

Man of Many Hats: Surgeon, Psychologist, Ladies Man and Killer of the Black Dahlia: Grandpa

I was just driving with my gracious hostess (and adult film auteur) Nica Noelle and somehow the topic of the Black Dahlia came up. I have some very curious connections to the Black Dahlia. Let me explain

Like most adolescents emerging into adulthood I often felt myself the constant outsider. I was raised by my mother, a Eurasian woman who, perhaps reacting against the sheltered life that coming from a wealthy political Filipino family offered her, found her way deep into the American Flower-Power generation. My stepfather (I had never known my biological father), a British citizen, had grown up entertaining (tap-dancing) for the Allied Forces during the War, was never schooled and proudly hailed from the school of ‘hard knocks’. I was raised, a child of bohemia, on a series of sailboats (that we built ourselves) sailing around the world. Living in more than 40 countries, finding myself on foreign shores not speaking a smack of the local tongue, and coming from a multicultural globetrotting family often left me asking just who the heck I was. It was a question that would linger deep into adulthood and continues to linger to this day.

My identity was anchored, however, by my illustrious grandparents on my mother’s side: My grandmother Hortensia, a Filipino agriculturalist who survived the war, cancer, and went on to become a two term Congresswoman – and my beloved Grandfather George – an American surgeon and psychologist with an IQ that rivaled Einstein’s, a former child piano protégée, an avid art patron and close friend of Man Ray and John Huston. I spent childhood summers with grandfather and it was then that I felt good – proud – like I had an identity. He was Zeus, which made me feel that I was invincible as well. Who was I? I was Dr. George’s grandson. Good enough for me.

My grandfather died on my 21st birthday. While the day was sad, I had somehow negotiated a settlement within myself. With his passing, I should be a man finally and embrace my somewhat scattered origins. I was, in the end, his offspring and I assumed the ‘Who am I?’ demons were to be put to bed.

I found myself an artist living and working in NYC as photographer, direct and actor a bombshell exploded in my family. My uncle Steve , a retired LA police detective published a NYTimes Bestseller, The Black Dahlia Avenger, in which he accuses his father, my grandfather George, of being the notorious killer of Betty Short, aka, the Black Dahlia (as well as many others around the world). This shook the foundation of our family. While the book has some points that are true, there are many claims the truth and accuracy of which even the most staunch readers dispute. While wild in its suggestions, the cases put forth are compelling and in some cases, factual. There had been a dark side to Grandfather. For one, he had been tried, though acquitted, for the rape of his daughter Tamar in a now famous 1949 case. His house built by Frank Llowd Wright Jr. (The “Sowden” house, looks like a Mayan temple featured in “The Aviator”) was home to many bacchanalian orgies and supposed the site of her murder. The actual murder is said to have been committed by a surgeon (which he was, as well as a psychologist) and the act of murder was an act of surrealist art (the placement of the body, coded symbolism carved into Elizabeth Shorts skin) and his best friends were the artist Man Ray, John Huston, Dali and other in the surrealist movement. A little too close for comfort. I still have Man Ray’s photo gear he had given grandpa.

I didn’t know Grandpa then obviously, this was the 40s. I knew him as a kindly older grandfather who handed my a camera and said: “Take pictures of pretty girls and they’ll kiss you” a promised that I have to confess has really delivered.

I’m in LA now, his hometown, completely immersed in a world of sex and beauty due to my trade and people I’ve chosen to surround myself with. In some way, Man Ray and grandpa, having brought me into photography, laid the foundation for this some 60 odd years ago.

I don’t know if Grandpa did it, but I do know that people live many lifetimes and reinvent themselves constantly. I’m fortunate enough to make and tell stories with images and some of the most sublime, beautiful and sexual creatures in this country. So regardless of what happened on the night of Jan. 15, 1947 ( unfortunately Grandpa’s house was bugged bu the police and public record has him bragging:” And what if I did kill the Black Dahlia? They can’t prove it. I’m brilliant.”) I do love the man that manifested me and gave me the gift of being a raconteur and adventurer taking photos of Dahlias everywhere.

Live big and live strong, baby.

Here are some photos.

The shot of the ship is my first photo, the Rock of Gibraltar, the shot of the group in Kimonos is from one of Grandpa’s soirees. The shot of the boy with him is me and my little sister.

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Model with no Name

I’m embarrassed to say I don’t remember this strikingly beautiful model’s name. I have her 2257 in my files of course but I like calling people by their model monikers, as that’s how -they- have chosen to represent themselves, or sometimes reinvent themselves.

These are just a few natural light snaps on a break from a much longer high key lesbian super porno shoot sometime ago in Miami. The faces down there are beautiful. A melange of ethnicities and I feel a kinship with this kind of person, I too am a mix.

We popped outside since I thought I could get something softer from her than that fake porno shrills (nothing wrong with that) we had been doing on video inside.

After the shoot we chilled had a soda and she offered me some the marijuana. Not normally my thing, I indulged, who should say no to this pretty gift, right?

Then I drove away. I see her all time now on like RedTube and whatnot, but I just like remembering her and the beautiful Miami minx with no name.


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If it was easy everyone would do it

“If it was easy everyone would do it” my lover and partner, Sovereign says. To herself, to friends, and to me when the going gets tough. It’s one of my favourite things that that quotesmith comes up with.

Sov and I are about to reunite after about a 5 week stretch of time away. The time was used for us both to develop personal and common work projects (including Darling House) and also, if I may, meditate, regroup and focus what it is we’re doing, what we love, what we love about each other, and how to forge ahead in creating together.

If I’m being candid, the amount of time apart hasn’t been easy– but like a diet or cleanse perhaps, it has been really useful to clear away some cobwebs and remind ourselves what is good about each other:

We dream big and create richly together.

This has always been the case and it’s a rare and wonderful touchstone to base a partnership on, I feel. From the moment we found each other (here online, strangers) to the second I flew her to me, sight unseen, one thing has been constant: we share a vision, a flavor of qualities we care about in storytelling, image making and to large degree, life experiencing.

Any partnership can have it’s ups and downs and, to boot, making art, meaninful art, is hard. But it’s honourable and passionate and exciting. Plus we fuck real, real nice and pretty.

We have a strong electical current of a connection: when not plugged in properly chaos sometimes ensues, but when the plug fits snugly in the socket if you will, we use that force for good. Sexy, sexual good. The kind of create output other people will benefit from.

In addition to our reuniting, it’s just about our 2nd year anniversary. Time flies. This has been on my mind too.

I wanted to share with you probably the very first photo I took of her the morning after I picked her up at JFK. She had blue hair then and a Marilyn piercing. I sorta miss those:)

I’m not sure I’ll keep this post up long, it feels a little too personal but in this pocket of time I wanted to share that dreaming big and making visions manifest is indeed hard, but there is payoff. Big payoff. Who wants to be mundane? And, as Sov says: “If it was easy everyone would do it”

And mothahfuckah, we’re not everyone.

See you soon, Dollface.


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Still of the (mid) Day: Brandon B

This is my beautiful friend and Darling House contributor (and staff manager) Brandon Bartling. See you in LA, pretty.



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Still of the Night (Morning?): Oxana

This is my friend Oxana. I know, I know this photo is unremarkable. I just like it cuz’ a) she rarely got naked and I convinced her. And b), police were standing less than 30 feet away behind not too large bush. Not Oxana’s. She has no bush.

She is sexy in a mainstream way, and that’s allowed too.



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Still of the Afternoon by Darling: Alexis Ford

Here is an outtake from a shoot we did some time back. For all her obvious, mainstream, easy appeal she has really captivating, present eyes in my opinion.

Also her booty helps greatly in my circulation and blood flow. So, thanks!


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Still of the Day by Darling: Belle and her Dominatrix

A cold afternoon in December in a rich maven patron’s Financial Center loft somehow brought these two ladies and myself together for a few hours.

Bizarre, beautiful NYC.


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Still of the Day By Darling: Heather Silk

I enjoyed this spontaneous shoot:

Sometimes what you see is not always what you get. Sometimes a performer, actress or model shows up and you get a ready sense of what they are. In the adult/erotic world it’s helpful and easy to work with this. -Sometimes- personalities have strong sexual expressionists within then who need a platform: a film or photoshoot say.

Heather showed up and while of course delighted by her affability, I had no idea that when I started snappy she’d unleash a dirty, sexy hungry, prowling vixen. She told me my presence was helping her get into her zone.

Interesting dynamics, these.

Maybe I show some extra special video of her soon.



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Still of the Day by Darling: Cat

A little moment on break before a long shoot. I think she’s like a curious cat here, that Cat.


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