Happy Bastille Day by Sovereign photos by JM Darling

My porn anniversary falls on Bastille Day…and since Joshua Darling and I don’t really need much of an excuse to have a photo shoot, we thought it would be fun to do one to commemorate….This shoot represents the artistic process and compromise.

Example: I wanted to do a shoot where I was dressed up as Madame Sans-Culotte being DP’d by two Francois Sagat dildos.  I imagined calling it “The Storming of the Bastille.”


Josh was dubious, he wonders why I always have to have something in my ass.  I was insistent that this wasn’t gratuitous anal, but rather a symbolic representation of Franco-American relations.

The French went bankrupt helping the Americans gain independence from the British.  This was on the understanding that once the Americans were free, we would only trade with the French.  Instead what happened was that, we got our freedom from taxation without representation and then went on to trade almost exclusively with the British.  Eventually France lost all of its money and in the midst of two very harsh winters found itself starving at the foot of the table of a decaying aristocracy.  Then they beheaded everyone and Napoleon legalized incest and sodomy…something like that.

Josh wanted to do something with more scale, something more artistic.  So here is our humble compromise.  A tribute to Bastille Day as well as a moment to commemorate my two years in the adult industry.

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Porn on the Fourth Of July

Joshua Darling and I took a trip to Malibu to pay tribute to this great nation, where I might hold the flag in the soft embrace of my Sovereignty.  Where I might celebrate that Sovereignty by revealing my naked body (which it is actually illegal to do, these are actually photographs of a crime in progress, but like our Founding Fathers, the only difference between Freedom Fighting and Terrorism, is whether or not the person doing it is an American).

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Things You Should and Shouldn’t Spend Your Dirty Sexy Money On by Sovereign Syre


Here is a practical guide for porn girls/escorts/strippers/cam girls about what you should and should not spend your money on. It is very simple.  If any of these ideas intrigue you, people have written tons of books and web guides and everything else to get your ass wherever you want to be.


Things you should not spend your money on:



Designer Shit


You shouldn’t spend money on your man, or on maintaining your man or on getting a man.  You shouldn’t spend your time trying to chase after sugar daddies either.  Let me tell you why.  One day that mother fucker will wake up and leave you…even in marriages to women who aren’t sex workers the divorce rate is 1 in 2.  Those are not good odds.  Let’s be practical.  You can earn for yourself, and that motherfucker can earn for himself too.  Your relationship will be better for it.  You are more confident when you are financially independent.  When you are confident, you are a better partner.  When one partner supports the other financially, it is an inevitability that feelings of contempt, despair and resentment will build.  I’m keeping this short and sweet, but that’s the bottom line.

The problem with sugar daddies is that you are living in a gilded cage.  You are forcing yourself to tolerate men that for the most part you don’t love and don’t really like in order to maintain your lifestyle.  It’s not good for you emotionally to fake the kind of intimacy this requires.  You will permanently damage your heart and its ability to form and maintain quality relationships in your personal life.  It is like losing the ability to orgasm or taste food.  You really don’t want to risk this kind of psychological injury.


Drugs are bad.  I used to be addicted to crystal meth.  Ask a friend whose been on drugs about The Darkness.  They will explain this further.  Read Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross and listen to the Nine Inch Nails Fragile recordings and you might get an idea of the abyss that you will find yourself residing in.

And I was a lucky one.  I didn’t lose any teeth, prostitute myself, or go to jail.

Designer Shit:

Here today, gone tomorrow.  By the time you know that something is fashionable or a status symbol of the wealthy, it is already passe to those very people you are trying to be like.  They’re all laughing at you.  No, really, they are laughing so hard at your basic ass.  Don’t give them the satisfaction.  Disdain what you cannot have.  We can’t all be trust fund children.  Trust me, you don’t want to be like most of them anyway.  They tend to be insufferable, desperately unhappy, and pathologically unable to love or feel pleasure.

Things you Should Spend Your Money On:





I’m a little biased.  I was an overachiever.  I grew up in poverty and was led to believe that the only thing that could lift me out of it was an education.  I graduated early from highschool.  By the time I was 21, I was in my second year of graduate school.  I don’t regret a second of it.

One, it is something that you can’t lose when the “housing bubble” bursts or assets go toxic.  It is with you for life.  Two, and more importantly I think, it enriches your experience of life.  When you have an understanding of politics, history, society, and the arts, the world you encounter will be more enjoyable to you.  You can actually appreciate what’s going on around you.  It’s like the difference between keeping your foreskin or getting a circumcision.

Being an autodidact is fine (but for the love of God don’t become a dilettante), it’s great if you love to read or educate yourself, but there is something about going to school and encountering structured study, about being made to study things that you don’t care about, that gives breadth to your understanding, not just depth of your particular areas of interest.  More than that, you learn to discern shit form shinola, and you are going to need that skill for the rest of your life if you want to survive.


You’ll never regret spending your money to travel to different countries, to go see your favorite band, to go to Burning Man.  You’re creating memories that will sustain you through the hard times.


Listen, you are going to have to start thinking about how to make your money work for you.  I used to hang with a drug dealer (whatever, I came from some rough neighborhoods).  He was quizzing a runner about how much he should charge for a certain amount of product.  The runner said “I don’t know.  I’m not good at math.”  The dealer said, “If you’re going to have a habit like this, you better get good at math.”

If you’re going to be a sex worker, you are not going to have a retirement plan and health insurance (unless you work for Kink.com.  They do provide workers comp if you’re injured on the job at The Armory).  You need to accept responsibility for these things.  You don’t need a business degree.  Most of your questions can be answered by spending a few hours on the internet.  Every successful business person I’ve talked to has told me the best policy is to just sort of jump into starting your business, and the pertinent questions will present themselves.

My grandfather used to always say to me: “You’re a beautiful girl, but someday a man is going to want to talk with you.  Will you have something to say?”

The point being, someday the scenes will become sparse, the clients will dwindle…gravity will take hold.  You have to accept the reality that you will not do this forever and that if you want to have an empire, you have to fucking build it.  I know most of you think you’ll just marry an Emperor, but keep in mind you could wast half your lifetime trying to figure out which ones aren’t wearing any clothes.

Remember ladies: To love the King is not bad, but a King that loves you is far better.

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Summer Sun

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Stranger than Kindness, Stranger than Fiction by Sovereign

iphone 020

Sometimes I get really weird mail.  Sometimes I get really offensive mail.  Sometimes I get really uplifting mail.  And sometimes I get this:

  • Conversation started March 1
    I just watched some of ur movies and they r really great I LOVE ur eyes. I just noticed that u fake it alot, and was wondering do u find it hard to get there or do u just not let urself? I apologize if thats somethung u would rather not say I was just curious.


    I thought I should apologize for my last message, I didnt mean to come off mean or cocky or anything I think you have amazing eyes so i couldnt help but watch them so it just made me wonder what you were thinking.
  • March 2

    I know your probably not getting these but I gotta ask you have you ever seen Amy Lee from Evanescence?You both have same eyes.
  • March 2
  • Sovereign Syre

    Hard not to think you’re an asshole when you come out of the gate assuming I’m faking it. Have a nice day.
  • March 17


  • March 22

    When I was 6 I got raped and he made me feel like I liked it, when I was 8 I was in a really bad car accident that left me in a body cast for 6 months after I spent 6 months in the hospital first. I was alone until I was 15 and i found a girl who was 18 that I just couldnt be without, after being with her for ten years I watched her drown in a dam, then I spent the next ten years on vodka.After going through that I have been taking care of my nieces and nephews for the last 8n years now I take care of my 90 year old grandmother. I found your pic on you tube and i was attracted to you. so I just wanted to explain why I ask you what I did because most of my life i have had to do that . I really am sorry and I hope you can forgive me.
  • March 23
  • Sovereign Syre

    You should try a support group. It would probably be helpful for you to connect with people in your real life.

  • March 24

    No, thnx. and good luck to you,Bye
  • April 17

    I dont know why it matters so much but I need u to know that I really am sorry for being so forward im not like and dont know why I did but i felt lonely i guess. I truly am sorry.

A few things in looking at this. One I come off like an asshole. I battle with this. With the amount of shit that gets hurled at you as an adult performer, it is difficult to always know at the beginning of a conversation when compassion is called for. Moreover, these aren’t that uncommon for me. What disturbs me is that there are probably countless people out there, interacting this way, seeking help from those of us that are completely unqualified to give it.

It’s the paradox of my position.

The strangest part of being in porn is the way people just ham-handedly try to hand off their sexuality to you, like its your job, like its your job to care, etc.

I also have come to realize what a sexual wasteland most people find themselves in. I’ve come to feel like a character in an H.P. Lovecraft novel anymore, and civilians are these weird alien beings and I’m wandering in the borderlands of their psychosexual landscape.

Next time you get mad at me for not tweeting back or being curt…please refer to the above exchange and realize that its nothing personal, but this is the kind of thing I get handed on a weekly basis.

I did debate with myself about posting this exchange, as it might be exploiting this person, who for as much as I can tell from her FB profile etc, is indeed real…but I figured I expose myself for the asshole I can be as much as she is exposed, so it was kind of fair game.



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Wherein I Finally Make a Feminist Statement about Porn. by Sovereign (The Sex Sense Issue)

People try to tell you that if you do porn as a woman society will judge you and treat you as less than. Having been a woman in porn and academia, I can tell you that’s a joke .  Society will judge you as a woman and treat you as less than no matter what you do for a living.  At least porn pays better and you get the pleasure of fucking instead of always feeling fucked.

The only right reason to enter any profession is because you want to.  There is suffering, consequence, and struggle in life no matter what choices you make.  Be a samurai, expect to be destroyed in battle, and then enter action with boldness.

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Porn Performance is Quantum Mechanical by Sovereign Syre

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Sovereign Syre’s Lesbian Surrender

So I directed my first movie!  It’s for Filly Films and its called Sovereign Syre’s Lesbian Surrender.  It’s a performer showcase of myself, which is a bit bold, I admit, but in any future directing endeavors, I hope to remain entirely behind the camera.  For this first time I got the chance to write all my own scenarios, and since I had the opportunity to play any roles I wanted as long as I was casting and directing, I took it.

In this movie I play the kinds of characters I don’t typically get to play in a series of vignettes that I wrote. I have a fetish for the overwrought perfectionist, the repressed Christian woman, the Stepford Wife…In these scenarios I explore themes of surrender to forbidden lesbian impulses.  I basically took the chance to play out the fantasies and sex acts that excite me….so yes, this is a selfish proposition, but I think it’s going to be one where the audience wins.

I cast gorgeous girls that I love working with and I had Dana Vespoli there to shoot camera and stills.  Dana and I get each other on “a cellular level” as she puts it, and she’s one of the only people I can think of that I trust absolutely.  She was really able to capture what I wanted on the first go.

I really feel that this project is something unique.

Well I KNOW it does, because Ela Darling performs her first anal scene in the movie.  I was very honored to have her give me something so special and I think the scene really earned it.

Here are some preview pictures from the movie.  I should have a street date and a trailer for you soon.



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Just a Sex Bunny in a Dog Eat Dog World

Some pictures of me in Rabbit Ears courtesy of Joshua Darling.

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(My First Time) Just Shoot Me by Sovereign Syre

When I first started modeling in 2009, I responded to my first casting call.  This is the email I got back:


Please understand  that I will NEVER attempt to persuade you, or try to “talk you” into doing anything.  Philosophically I just don’t agree with that approach.  My art is VERY Sexual, but the sexuality must come naturally from my girls, and that only happens after they relax, and they realize I have no “hidden agenda” for them, and then I can comfortably start teaching them to have very advanced orgasms.

My girls have lots of real orgasms when we shoot, usually 30 to 40 a day (this is for real) – and I make sure of that by using Hitachi Magic Wands, Eroscillators, Sybian Sex Machines, PES Electro Sex, and Phallix Glass, etc. to teach my models how to have advanced orgasms – that is why they glow in my pictures!

I am the antithesis of “gonzo” porn!  I am always telling girls to stay away from the Bang Bus, Captain Stabbin, and all that usual FL based gonzo crap.  Those guys just want to use girls up and spit them out.

I want classy erotic girls who I can teach and train to become long term stars, and I already know that when I teach a new model to expand her sexual horizons and her sexual possibilities by teaching her to have advanced orgasms, she will keep coming back to me to shoot over and over.

Once again, I create Sexual Art.

Yes, the orgasms are real. So is the art.

I really like the photo you sent.  You are beautiful.

The more you do your research on “porn people” and compare them to what I do, you will see that I’m not just a rarity. I am alone.

This is NOT a hard line to tow. You just have to be VERY selective who you shoot with. That’s all.

The first naked photos of me on the internet.  From 2009, when I started “modeling.”

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